News Summary: James Zhang, the partner of Phoenix International Design Co., LTD. Born in a pottery family in 1976, engaged in design work for more than 20 years, with many years of working experience in Hong Kong and Taiwan famous design companies, national registered senior interior designer.

Born in a pottery family in 1976, he has been engaged in design work for 14 years and has many years of working experience in well-known design companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan. National registered Senior Interior Designer No. : A034408SRD310002. His works have been published many times in “Designer”, “Home Decoration”, “Ruili”, “Fashion Home”, “News Morning Post” and other media, and have been published by major publishing houses. He has served as the guest host of fashion channel and the guest of Shanghai Education TV Station.

Top Ten Outstanding Young Designers in Shanghai in 2012

2009 Shanghai Top 10 Young Designers nominated

2008 Shanghai Excellent Designer

2007 China (Residential) Interior Design Star Competition Shanghai District gold medal

2007 Third prize of Villa category in the Sixth Architectural Decoration Design Competition in Shanghai, China

2007 China (Residential) Interior Design Star Competition Professional group excellence Award

The third prize of “Elite Interior Designer” Competition in 2007

2006 China’s Top Ten residential Designers Award of excellence

Design, to endure loneliness

The interview with James Zhang was not very smooth. After two invitations, I finally met him in his busy office at noon on a sunny day. Just back from a business trip, he did not have the slightest sense of being a fugitive. His dress and calm aura all express the inherent characteristics of this career as a designer.

That is, both emotional and rational.

This emotional and rational atmosphere is also distributed in its two different office Spaces, a perceptual casual, a rational rules. In fact, for James Zhang, facing the topic and camera of the media is already a familiar thing. Because he has served as a fashion channel guest host, Shanghai Education TV guest, and his works have been published in various media.

However, in the eyes of the author, perhaps from his heart, the design from beginning to end is just insisting on a meaningful thing that he believes is what he likes in this life, and is also good at and able to control.

Because of this love and good, born in a pottery family, he has been engaged in interior design for 15 years. As a veteran designer, he understood the mentality of young designers and said frankly, “It takes perseverance to do anything, so does designing. At the same time, design requires talent and tolerance for loneliness. Young designers first enter the industry with a passion for practicing, then experience pain and confusion, and then enjoy the happiness. This process is actually a normal transition period for a designer to hone and build his comprehensive ability. Nowadays, the design industry is rather impetuous, and the experience and experience of young designers are still shallow, so the mentality of seeking success will be obvious. First of all, you should make a position for yourself and determine your love for this industry. So be persistent and stick to it.

“I like and love the design industry, and I will sum up my experience and think about my own way of working in the work, but we always need to be clear, that is, to know who the design is for, is the customer? Is it Party A? It’s actually people! “Putting people first and using expertise and knowledge to solve design problems is something we all need to understand.” James Zhang said.

To design, subtract

In James Zhang’s works, we can see some of his design principles and concepts. In his works, he does not use strange shapes to attract people. Instead, he knows how to combine the characteristics of materials with construction techniques, advocating the pursuit of sensory decorative effects on the basis of full consideration of safety and function and practicality.

Among them, in his words, is “an understanding of life.” In daily life, he is used to sharing his own ideas in his diary, micro blog and blog. He also has a deeper understanding of the modern simple style of foreign countries through in-depth design investigation in northern Europe, for example. He said, as early as many years ago, luxury and noble, retro style is sought after by everyone, the way of expression is more complicated, now the development of society, everyone has more enthusiasm and demand for simple and pragmatic style design. To this end, subtraction for design is our new thinking and guidance for design.

Perhaps, in James Zhang’s opinion, let the design really create more value for the living space, is another thing he insists on is interesting.


In the interview, James Zhang shared his views on the topic of design market development and designer brand building under the new normal of economy. James Zhang believes that under the new normal of the economy, the impact on the second – and third-tier cities is more severe than that on the first-tier cities. Many second – and third-tier cities have experienced a collapse in the real estate industry, and the first-tier cities have not experienced a very bad situation under the government’s policy support. In addition, the most important thing to build a successful design brand is to do quality design. We also hope that on the road of design, like James Zhang, we can be practitioners and dream pursuers who enjoy the pain and joy of design with love, and create more unknown possibilities for our life while tolerating loneliness.

James Zhang – 40 Rose Li, West Suburb of Shanghai

Design description: In terms of space, although this case is a townhouse type, the design layout should try its best to reflect the feeling of a villa, or even the momentum of a single-family villa, according to the requirements of actual residents for the use of space function, which is also very consistent with the pursuit of Oriental, especially Chinese, on the perception of housing. The valuable point of this case is that although it is not a model room, it creates the visual beauty of the model room; It is not a model room, but it is more comprehensive than the model room; Although like the model room, but the actual life meaning of the space is greater than the model room.